Shapes In French

Shapes In French

What are the shapes in French?

The shapes in French are: un cercle (circle), un triangle (triangle), un carré (square), un rectangle (rectangle), un octagone (octagon) and un ovale (oval). The following list covers French words for shapes in detail.

Image of shapes

  • arrow une flèche
  • circle un cercle
  • …center le centre
  • …circumference la circonférence
  • …diameter le diamètre
  • …radius le rayon
  • …tangent la tangente
  • cone un cône
  • cross une croix
  • crescent un croissant
  • cube un cube
  • curve une courbe
  • cylinder un cylindre
  • decagon un décagone
  • diamond un losange
  • figure eight un huit
  • heptagon un heptagone
  • hexagon un hexagon
  • isosceles trapezoid un trapèze isocèle
  • line une ligne
  • …broken brisée
  • …curved courbe
  • …parallel parallèle
  • …perpendicular perpendiculaire
  • …segment segmentée
  • …straight droite
  • octagon un octagone
  • parallelogram un parallélogramme
  • pentagon un pentagon
  • polygon un polygone
  • rectangle un rectangle
  • point un point
  • pyramid une pyramide
  • oval un ovale
  • rhombus un rhombe
  • square un carré
  • trapezoid un trapèze
  • triangle un triangle
  • …acute-angle acutangle
  • …equilateral équilatéral
  • …isosceles isocèle
  • …obtuse-angled obtusangle
  • …scalene scalène
  • star une étoile

Listen to the Learn French Shapes song!

Video source: Busy Beavers – Kids Learn ABCs 123s & More

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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French Together – Learn French

The essential guide to common shapes and shape expressions in French

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The word for “shape” in French is une forme .

Let’s learn how to say the most common shape names in French – and discover some common expressions related to them along the way!

Basic shapes and shape expressions in French

A child's hand reaches out to add a green block to a stack of colorful rectangular blocks.

Here’s how to say the most common shapes in French. Many of these are also used in common French phrases or have common alternate meanings, which you’ll find below as well.

un  carr é  – a square

Carré  also has several other meanings/uses.

One is “squared”, which is why you’ll often encounter this common phrase if you’re looking for a home in France (or just browsing): mètre carré  (square meter).  

Another common additional meaning of carré  is honest and upright. Describing someone as  carré(e)  is a common way to say they’re straightforward, serious, and/or very organized. Example: Son père est très carré. (His father is very straightforward and organized.)

un cercle/un rond  – a circle

As you can see, there are two ways to say “circle” in French. But they’re not exactly the same.

What’s the difference between cercle and rond ? As many sources explain, un cercle refers to the actual geometrical figure of a circle, while un rond is a more general term for a round form or shape.  You can find out more about this in this in-depth children’s math video .

So you could say that cercle means “circle” and rond means “a round shape”. In fact, as this Wiktionnaire entry points out, in everyday French, rond  can sometimes also be used to describe shapes related to a circle , like a sphere or ball.

That said, not all French people make a difference between the two words, especially in everyday speech.

And despite its precise meaning, cercle  isn’t only used in mathematical contexts.

For instance, you could use it more figuratively, to describe a group or club (fans of the movie Dead Poets Society  may know its French title is Le cercle des poètes disparus ).

We can see other figurative uses of cercle  in the common expression un   cercle vicieux ( a vicious circle )

or in the derivative verb encercler (to circle around something/someone).

Like cercle , rond can sometimes be used figuratively, for instance:

un chiffre rond  (a round number)

tourner en rond  (to go around in circles)

ne pas avoir un rond  (to not have a single cent/dime)

une table ronde  (a round table (discussion))

These are probably the most common you’ll come across, but WordReference has a list of lots of other expressions with rond , if you’d like to learn some more.  

Another notable way rond  – or rather, its feminine form, ronde  – is used, is as a somewhat polite way to describe a chubby or heavy woman. It’s similar to the English term “curvy” or “voluptuous” (the derivative rondeurs  means “curves”). Depending on the speaker and context or speaker, it could be derogative. Even if you’re using it in a positive or neutral way, be careful, since not everyone would want to be described this way (even though there’s nothing wrong with being curvy!).

un rectangle  – a rectangle

Note that in geometry, this word can also mean “right” in a right triangle: un triangle rectangle.

un triangle  – a triangle  

As in English, triangle  can also be used figuratively or outside of a geometric context, as you can see in these common French phrases:

un triangle amoureux (a love triangle)

le triangle des Bermudes (the Bermuda Triangle)

Geometry fans can find out how to say the different types of triangles in French  in this WordReference entry.  And music fans, in case you were wondering, the instrument is called un triangle in French, too.

un ovale  – an oval

Un cube  – a cube.

Cube can also mean cubed – for instance, sept cube  (seven cubed).

un cylindre  – a cylinder

Une sphère  – a sphere.

As in English, sphère  can also be mean a “realm” or “field”, as you can see in a common French phrase like la sphère priv é e  – the private sphere.

un hexagone  – a hexagon

In everyday French, you’ll most often hear hexagone used to refer to…the country of France. As we discussed in our post on names for France , l’Hexagone  is a common way to refer to mainland France. It comes from the idea that mainland France has six coastlines or borders .

When used this way, Hexagone  is always capitalized, since it refers to a specific place.

What are some other shapes and geometric terms in French?

Our article focuses on the most common shapes you’ll come across in French, but if you’re gunning for more geometry, this list is a good source of additional French shapes vocabulary .

How to use shapes as adjectives and say “-shaped” in French

closeup of a person's index finger and thumb holding a small yellow ball with a smiley face on it.

Now that you know how to say common shapes in French, you may be wondering how to use them in a descriptive way.

As in English, you usually have two options: either using the adjective form of a shape word or using the shape with a French equivalent of “-shaped”.

French shapes as adjectives

Most of the common French shapes have an adjective form. Note that, with the exception of rond(e) , carré(e) , and hexagonal(e) , these adjectives don’t change depending on the gender of the subject, since they all end in “e”. On the other hand, they are pluralized if the subject is plural.

For instance:  une pi è ce rectangulaire  vs des pi è ces rectangulaires  

Here are the most common French shapes and their adjective forms, in a handy chart!:

How to say “-shaped” in French

Pretty much any French shape, whether the ones with adjective forms, common ones, uncommon ones, etc., can also be paired with two phrases to mean -shaped:

– en forme de

Derrière la maison se trouve une grande piscine en forme de cercle.  (Behind the house is a large, circle-shaped swimming pool.)

– avoir la forme de

La piscine avait la forme d’un cercle.  (The pool was circle-shaped.)

Note that these two phrases work for most French shapes or to describe how something is shaped, but there are a few exceptions, including ovale, which is just used in its adjective form – ovale – when describing something.

Let’s look at a few other examples of these phrases paired with some common French shape words from our list:

Les ballons peuvent varier en taille mais ils ont tous la une forme d’une sphère. (Balls can vary in size but they’re all sphere-shaped.) Le miroir dans son dressing est en forme d’hexagone. C’est très original ! (The mirror in her walk-in closet is hexagon-shaped. How unique!)

These phrases can also be used with non-geometric shape words. For instance:

Elle a une bouche en forme de cœur. (She has a heart-shaped mouth.) Benoît a fait des gâteaux en forme de Père Noël. (Benoît made Santa-shaped cookies.)

Occasionally, you’ll come across an expression that cuts out the forme de  and only uses en . These expressions are usually common or even cliche phrases, but not always. One notable example is Elle avait des yeux en amande. (She had almond-shaped eyes.)

There’s no hard and fast rule for why some of these descriptive shape phrases only use en. The best way to learn them is by reading, listening to, and watching things in French . This will also be a great way to familiarize yourself with the shapes in French and how they’re used.

I hope you enjoyed this article on common French shapes and shape-related phrases. If you are looking to learn more useful vocabulary like this, give our conversational French app a try ! It will teach you how to use all these words in the context of real-life conversations.

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Alysa Salzberg

Alysa Salzberg is an American writer, worrier, teacher, and cookie enthusiast who has lived in Paris, France, for more than a decade. She has taught English and French for more than ten years, most notably as an assistante de langue vivante for L'Education Nationale. She recently published her first novel, Hearts at Dawn , a "Beauty and the Beast" retelling that takes place during the 1870 Siege of Paris. You can read about her adventures here , or feel free to stop by her website .

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A French Start

A French Start

An invitation to learn French through play

Learning common shapes in French

shapes in french

Children start noticing shapes from a young age, and teaching kids to identify and name them often happens without much planning at home. We tend to include the different shape names in our conversations with our little ones or point out various shapes as they play with shape sorters and other similar toys. This blog post will provide you with the names of the most common two-dimensional shapes in French and give you ideas on how you can practice these concepts with your child with toys and games.

What are shapes in French? A shape is “ une forme ” . In the plural form, they are “ des formes “.

Common shapes in French

shapes in french - circle

A circle – un cercle

shapes in french - square

A square – un carré

shapes in french - rectangle

A rectangle – un rectangle

shapes in french - triangle

A triangle – un triangle

shapes in french - heart

A heart – un coeur

shapes in french -oval

An oval – un ovale

shapes in french - cross

A cross – une croix

shapes in french - rhombus

A rhombus – un losange

Toys for learning shapes

There are many toys on the market that can help you teach shapes to your child.

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shapes worksheet in french

Shape sorters are one of the first toys that infants begin to experiment with. Depending on their age, they may be simply interested in the lid or the box only, or they may be having fun putting things in and taking them out of the toy. If your child is starting to try to put the shapes in the corresponding holes, you can point out the name of the shape in French so they make the connection between the word and the object in their hands.

shapes worksheet in french

There are a plethora of different types of shape puzzles for children. Large knob puzzles are easier for infants to grab and hold while toddlers can graduate to peg puzzles or chunky puzzles.

shapes worksheet in french

Shape blocks are a lot of fun to play with. Kids love to use their imagination to build with them. We’ve had the IKEA MULA building blocks for a long time, and it’s only now that my daughter has begun to show interest in it. She often invites me to build a house with her. It’s a great opportunity to practice shapes – rectangles for the main walls, squares for the smaller walls, triangles for the roof, etc.

Books about shapes

I tend to favour books that not only introduce shapes to children but also point out shapes that exist in the real world. If the books manage to include how to combine shapes to create other shapes, that’s a bonus!

shapes worksheet in french

The book that we use at home and that combines most of the elements mentioned above is Paddington et son drôle de sandwich . It follows Paddington bear around town as he tries to find a list of shapes.

shapes worksheet in french

Shape hunting in the neighbourhood

Inspired by Paddington, we often head out to find shapes in our neighbourhood. Once you start pointing out shapes and naming them in French, your child will also begin to notice, and later, identify them.

shapes worksheet in french

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Master the essential vocabulary for shapes in French, covering all the most commonly used terms.

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Printable educational game for kids: French Shapes Worksheet

Guide your child to recognize basic shapes in French using our engaging and fun coloring worksheet, perfect for blending learning with creativity.

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French shapes worksheet - teaching resources

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Shapes in French

French lesson 13 of vocabulary: shapes in french.

At beginner level (level A1), you need to know 8 basic shapes: the triangle, the circle, the square, the rhombus, the heart, the rectangle, the crescent and the star in French. This will be particularly useful for describing an object. The video below will teach you these 8 elementary forms in French:

Thanks to this video, you will learn 8 basic forms in French. To learn the vocabulary of forms in French, repeat after the teacher. When the teacher says “le triangle”, say “le triangle”, when the teacher says “le rond”, say “le rond”, etc., up to “l’étoile”. This way, you will be able to understand them well orally and to pronounce them well in French. To do this correctly, watch the video several times, repeating each shape aloud after the teacher.

To fully understand the written vocabulary of forms and to write it well in French, copy the list below several times. Use the drawings in the video to understand the meaning of each shape. Here is the list of shapes shown in the video (in chronological order):

- le triangle - le rond - le carré - le losange - le coeur - le rectangle - le croissant - l’étoile

For convenience, below is the list of the parts of the body and the face featured in the video (in chronological order) with the English translation: - le triangle = the triangle - le rond = the circle - le carré = the square - le losange = the rhombus - le coeur = the heart - le rectangle = the rectangle - le croissant = the crescent - l’étoile = the star

To deepen this French vocabulary lesson on shapes, you can study the  French course: learn to describe an object .

Once you have successfully mastered this vocabulary lesson on shapes in French, you can move on to the next lexicon lesson:

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You can find other French vocabulary lessons  by clicking here . You can also perfect your learning of the French language thanks to our:

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We regularly publish new content to learn French. To be kept informed of new publications, subscribe to the Youtube channel Flemotion : apprendre le français (video 100% in French but still useful for English speakers to learn French) and to the Youtube channel Learn French with Flemotion (videos with explanations in English) and to the Facebook page Flemotion : apprendre le français .

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Shapes in French

20 Most Common Shapes in French

Shapes in french.

There are different types of shapes we used in geometry like Circle, square, rectangle,  oval etc. In this lesson we will learn how to say these shapes in French Language with correct pronunciation and English Translation. Some shape’s name are written same as English Language but they have different pronunciation in French. Below are most 20 common shapes in French, learn them and share the post.

List of 20 most common Shapes in French

Here you will find the list of most common shapes in French Language.

Pronunciation of Shapes in French

Watch On Youtube : Common Shapes in French

This video series is for the students who wanted to learn French Language course online and want to enhance their vocabulary learning new words used in our daily life. If you would like to Learn French in Delhi . Join Our Institute for Regular Classroom classes. Your suggestions, reviews and feedbacks are most welcome.

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French MATH Worksheets - Colour by Shapes (Les formes) - 2D Shapes

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Are you in a pinch and need something simple (yet engaging!) for your students to do during your math block? Did you just find out that you need to plan for a non French-speaking substitute tomorrow but you have a million other things to do? Or, are you just looking for some independent practice sheets for your students to complete at the end of a hands-on lesson about shapes?

Whatever your reason for needing some no-prep French shapes worksheets, I've got your back!

This set of 15 Colour By Shape math worksheets (en français!) is perfect for kindergarten or first grade. This set will help students identify a variety of shapes and explore how they can fit together to make brand new images and objects. And it's no prep - just print & go!

(As a bonus, they are pretty cute, too!)

Sheets with the following images are included:

✓ sapin de Noël

✓ épouvantail

✓ bonhomme de neige

Each page uses 5-7 images and students will colour the picture according to the code at the top of the page.

Check out the preview for a closer look! NOTE : This product has been updated since the preview was created and now contains 15 pages. The page borders have also been reduced for a cleaner look.

Looking for more? Check out my other math resources right here!


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French Shapes – Les Formes

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Looking for a way to introduce basic shapes in French? This resource contains simple worksheets that will help your students to learn words related to shapes. There are four different activities which will certainly help to reinforce what you are teaching in class.

  • Match up activity
  • Describe shapes using colours in a sentence
  • Write sentences using the expression “il y a”
  • Unscramble the letters

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Couleurs et Formes (Colors and Shapes in French) Worksheet

Couleurs et Formes (Colors and Shapes in French) Worksheet

Subject: French

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

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23 January 2024

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This worksheet has directions in French telling how many of each shape should be colored which color.

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Earth, moon and sun: Ultimate trio, and an ultimate guide to the eclipse in Tallahassee

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Everyone is on standby for the cosmic shade that will be eclipsing all other events on Monday, April 8: The Great North American Eclipse.

The temporary fadeout will span across the North American continent with totality in 10 states, but Florida and Tallahassee will only get a partial view of the astronomical phenomenon.

Viewers in the North Florida region will see 71% of a total eclipse, which Alan Hanstein, executive director of the Challenger Learning Center, says is still a "real treat."

"Even though we won't have totality here in Tallahassee, a partial eclipse is still an incredible thing to see," Hanstein said. "We still recommend wearing solar eclipse glasses and we have a free event where we will be selling them."

The  Challenger Learning Center  will be hosting a viewing event in Kleman Plaza with a live stream of the celestial event playing inside the planetarium, and telescopes will be set up by the Tallahassee Astronomical Society for an outdoor watch party.

There will also be hands-on activities in the exhibit hall for children and families. Solar glasses will be sold for $2.

Tallahassee Community College will be hosting a watch party at 2:45 p.m. on its intramural fields with solar glasses available to all. The event is open to the public.

"There will also be filters that can be attached to your cellphone, allowing you to grab the perfect picture of the eclipse," according to the school's website. "A group of TCC professors will attend to be able to answer questions."

Will school be in session?

Even though the sun will be hitting snooze for the eclipse vibes Monday, school in Leon County will still be in session.

Most public school teachers are turning the shady situation into an astronomy lesson for students so they don't miss out.

At Cobb Middle School, teachers will give their students solar glasses and take them outside during the time of the eclipse. They will also complete an interactive worksheet on the eclipse to stay engaged as it occurs.

What will the solar eclipse look like in Florida?

Florida is not in the path of totality for April's solar eclipse, meaning the moon won't totally block the sun.

Floridians will see a crescent shape in the sky for about three hours, casting shadows on the ground near trees or tall buildings.

Depending on where you are in the Sunshine State, the moon will block  anywhere from 54-82%  of the sun. Residents in the northwest corner of the state will see more of the eclipse.

In Tallahassee, experts say the capital city should catch at least 70% visibility of the celestial alignment.

To the naked eye, covered by solar glasses if you want to look up, the sky won't get as dark as it will in the path of totality, so it will still be sunny outside and the temperature will stay at 79 degrees Fahrenheit.

➤  See exact times to go outside to see the eclipse across Florida

What's the weather going to be?

The latest prediction calls for mostly clear skies through much of the state, including Florida's capital city of Tallahassee. Forecasters say the far western Panhandle and Pensacola may see 30% or 40% cloud cover as will parts of central Florida

The Weather Channel's forecast is calling for a beautiful spring day with some clouds and temps cracking 80 degrees

"It looks like for most of the area there is a high possibility of upper-level clouds, the nice thing about them being high level is that they might not impair visibility," said Wright Dobbs, a meteorologist with NWS.

Countdown clock to 2024 solar eclipse

According to , the partial eclipse will last for about two and a half hours in Tallahassee.

The National Weather Service breaks it down this way.

  • Moon makes first "contact" with the Sun: 1:42 p.m.
  • Peak Eclipse: 3:00 p.m.
  • Moon makes last "contact" with the Sun: 4:17 p.m.

Path of 2024 total solar eclipse

The path of totality for April's solar eclipse stretches from northern Mexico to southeastern Canada before moving over the Atlantic Ocean. In the United States, the total solar eclipse will  cross 13 states.

Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, plus parts of Tennessee and Michigan, are all in the 115-mile-wide path of totality.

To see the exact path of totality, check out  an interactive map  created by French eclipse expert Xavier Jubier.

Don't turn a blind eye, wear solar glasses!

It's important to emphasize: Do not look directly at the sun, even during an eclipse. You can  seriously damage your eyes . There's still time to get a pair of solar glasses  or  make a pinhole projector.  

Also, be sure to watch out for  fake eclipse glasses . They're dangerous.

Solar glasses expire after three years so don't pull out any old glasses from the 2017 eclipse or before to wear on Monday.

When in doubt, buyers should refer back to the list of  official sellers and manufacturers maintained by the American Astronomical Society , which communicates directly with sellers and manufacturers and checks test reports. Manufacturers need to have their glasses tested independently at two top labs in the U.S. to secure a spot.

For those who don't have solar glasses, there are alternative options for viewing the eclipse.

Casting a shadow on the ground using a pen and punching a hole through a sheet of paper or using a colander works just as well as any pair of glasses. The AAS site offers helpful  instructions .

Didn't score glasses? Don't fret — Here's how to view the eclipse without glasses

If you didn't get a chance to grab any glasses, no need to worry! There are plenty of hacks to view the eclipse, such as:

Using a pizza box to view the eclipse

According to foodie blog Delish, you will need pizza box, tin foil, scissors, a pen and scotch tape.

"In short, you cut the pizza box in half and poke a one-inch round hole in the middle of one side, then cover it with tin foil and poke another small hole in the foil," the site explained. "On the other half of the pizza box, tape a plain white sheet of paper. Stand with the sun behind you, and the magic will happen."

Use a cracker to view the eclipse

Use a buttery round cracker (think Ritz or saltine) and a white sheet of paper. With your back  toward  the sun, hold the cracker up to the paper. Your eyes should be looking away from the sun, which is what’s required for safe, indirect viewing, experts say. The solar eclipse will filter through the tiny cracker holes.

Use a slotted spoon

Use a slotted spoon with round holes in it. Again, with your back toward the sun, hold up the spoon to the sheet of paper and watch the solar eclipse project an image.

Use a colander or bowl

According to Dennis Ward, retired president of Longmont Astronomical Society in Colorado, “Another great projection viewing device is a colander or pasta strainer with holes, not slots.“

Same instructions apply, stand with your back toward the sun, and hold up the colander to the sheet of paper to see the eclipse.

Let the apps answer all your eclipse-focused questions

If you feel the need to study up on the eclipse or you have any pressing questions that you can't find on Google, you can turn to the hundreds of solar eclipse apps available. USA Today highlighted these popular apps ahead of April 8:

  • Total Solar Eclipse (Only only IOS)
  • Eclipse 2024 (Only on IOS)
  • One Eclipse
  • The NASA App

ICYMI: No worries! You'll only have to wait another 21 years

Tallahassee may not catch a full view of the total solar eclipse in April, but in about 28 years the city will have the distinction of becoming a solar eclipse capital of the United States.

Florida's capital will have seen totality in four solar eclipses between 1918 and 2052, setting a major astronomical record and making it one of the most eclipsed cities across the contiguous U.S., according to the Washington Post .

On average, a total solar eclipse only occurs in the same location  once every 375 years , according to USA TODAY, which makes Florida's capital an outlier for the ages.

In an exclusive and rare occurrence of a 200-year period, Tallahassee has seen the sun fully go dark in 1918 and 1970, and will again in 2045 and 2052.

The 2045 path of totality will cross Alabama, Arkansas, northern California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah.

In 2052, the only states to be in the path of totality will be the southwest Georgia and the Florida panhandle.

Circling back to an eclipsed past

The last eclipse in Tallahassee was in  October 2023 , the  Great American Eclipse , or the " ring of fire" annular solar eclipse .

An  annular solar eclipse  happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun  while at its farthest point from Earth . So, the moon won't totally block the sun but leave a "ring of fire" visible around the moon.

Floridians were outside of the path of annularity for that celestial event and caught about 70% visibility of the eclipse, not to mention the weather was cloudy and many didn't catch a view.

In 2017, thousands of all ages  gathered at the Challenger Learning Center's viewing party at Kleman Plaza to witness the brief but historical solar eclipse to witness 86% coverage of the sun.

In 1970, the total eclipse traveled a path from Central America up the east coast of the U.S. – with the nearby city of Perry anointed the first city in the U.S. to view the eclipse.

A crowd estimated at between 30,000 people and 50,000 people flocked to the small paper mill town, southeast of Tallahassee, which Florida Gov. Claude Kirk officially proclaimed as the “Eclipse Capital of the World” due to its early status and a heightened chance for favorable viewing weather.

But Mother Nature thwarted the eclipse tourism when the "city fell victim to a thick layer of clouds," the Democrat reported on its front page.

Fingers crossed this time around: Tallahassee will get lucky with a view of the celestial show.

Alaijah Brown can be reached at [email protected] .

'Vanderpump Villa' isn't 'Vanderpump Rules' in the French countryside. Meet the cast and let them tell you why.

  • No, the new reality show "Vanderpump Villa" isn't just a remixed version of "Vanderpump Rules."
  • For one thing, the villa staff and cast are strangers — and forced to live together.
  • Lisa Vanderpump told BI there's more of a focus on the "beauty" of the guest experience similar to "Below Deck."

Insider Today

As a businesswoman, the indomitable Lisa Vanderpump knows how to craft a luxury hospitality experience. As a television producer, she also knows how to deliver the drama — and sometimes, those two things are not simpatico.

"This is not Château Shitshow," a frustrated Vanderpump tells a pair of servers at the start of the second episode of her latest reality show, "Vanderpump Villa." "This is Château Rosabelle that I have created, and you two are not gonna f-ck it up."

Château Rosabelle is Vanderpump's latest business venture — a pop-up all-inclusive hotel in Château Saint-Joseph , an estate in the French countryside. The new series, which premieres Monday on Hulu, follows the elite guests who check-in for an immersive, personalized experience and the ensuing drama among the hand-selected, live-in staff Vanderpump has chosen to bring her vision to life.

Of course, being an unscripted docu-drama, not everything goes smoothly. But the Villa is not SUR, Vanderpump's West Hollywood resto, and the new show isn't "Vanderpump Rules." At least, not quite — and that's a good thing.

We spoke to the cast, including Vanderpump herself, who gave us the scoop on the drama to expect this season and what makes this show different from the long-running Bravo series that launched a bunch of messy but lovable SURvers into the spotlight.

Are Hannah and Marciano Jax and Stassi 2.0? Not quite

The easiest link to make between "Vanderpump Rules" and "Vanderpump Villa" is Marciano Brunette, a brash, top-selling server who appears to come from the Jax Taylor School of Reality TV Villainy. His complicated, on-and-off relationship with fellow server Hannah Fouch draws comparisons to the messy dynamic between Jax Taylor and Stassi Schroeder that made the early seasons of "VPR" so compelling.

The parallels are obvious: Marciano, like Jax, is something of a self-professed cad who simply cannot stop cheating on Hannah. Hannah, who should know better, does not know better and continues to remain entangled with Marciano as they live together at the château with the rest of the staff.

Marciano and Hannah tell BI they get the comparisons, but their relationship is "totally different" from Jax and Stassi's.

"I don't know them personally, but from watching the early seasons of 'Vanderpump Rules,' I feel like we're completely different," Hannah says. "But I can see where that can give off a similarity because of all the fights and insecurity."

Hannah points to Stassi feeling insecure in her relationship with Jax early in "VPR" — something Hannah also deals with in the early episodes as well when she and Marciano, who aren't together but are kind of together, try to figure out their relationship status.

Marciano, for his part, says he's "totally embracing" the comparison, calling Stassi and Jax "two of the most iconic characters in 'VPR' history."

"Number one guy in the group? I'll take that," Marciano jokes, referencing Jax's oft-quoted line from season four. "And she's Queen B. Absolutely."

Even though they may fit into the same general character archetypes, the couple is not just Jax and Stassi 2.0.

"That is who we are at the end of the day, but that's not who we really are," he says. "We're not Jax and Stassi. We're two completely different people."

As for whether their relationship will work out or if they'll go the way Jax and Stassi did in the end, viewers will just need to tune in and see.

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"You're going to see it play out over the show," Marciano says. "You'll see it unfold," Hannah adds.

Unlike in 'Pump Rules,' the villa staff must work together — and that raises the stakes

It's hard to remember now, 11 seasons in, that virtually all of the "Vanderpump Rules" original core cast once worked at the restaurant, SUR.

But even during the show's premiere season, the show's storylines were focused more on the personal dramas among the staff and not just serving food and drinks to housewives and WeHo patrons.

"When we created 'Vanderpump Rules,' it was about an existing group of friends. This isn't that," Vanderpump, who also serves as an executive producer under her Villa Rosa banner, tells BI.

In "Vanderpump Villa," no one — except for Hannah and Marciano — knew each other before being thrown together to create travel memories for extremely wealthy travelers.

Bartender Andre Mitchell likens the eventual bond between the Villa staff, who were forced to get close during the one-and-a-half months of filming, to a family bond. But at the same time, the staff moved past much of the drama that ultimately went down due to one thing, Mitchell adds.

"We went through this amazing experience together," he says. "And we can't be too mad at each other because we were strangers. Everything gets kind of accelerated."

Despite not having history, there's the implicit drama of extremely attractive people being forced to live together in close quarters while working a high-intensity service job. That stress and proximity led to plenty of yelling — and illicit smooching.

Love triangles abound, as teasers for the season have already shown, spotlighting Andre's connections with Grace Cottrell and Gabriella Sanon, and eccentric estate manager Eric Funderwhite's flirtations with sous chef Caroline Byl, housekeeper Emily Kovacs, and server Priscila Ferrari.

"I never thought that going into there, I would form deep connections with these people I just met," Emily says, adding that the cast "was very secluded." "But when you live together, and you work together, and you're tied at the hip basically 24/7, it's very easy to develop feelings for people," she tells BI. "It was really relaxing until the chaos ensued."

'Vanderpump Villa' is more like 'Below Deck'

Vanderpump compares her new show less to "Vanderpump Rules" and more to another hit Bravo reality show. She tells BI the format is more like "Below Deck," which follows yacht crew members living aboard a vessel and working for its guests during charter season. It also has the old-school, high-class vibe of period dramas like "Bridgerton" or "Downton Abbey."

Another key difference is that in "VPR," there's no focus on the restaurant guests or their experience, unlike in the "Villa," which prominently focuses on the guests' stories. "You don't see any of the beauty," Vanderpump says. "A lot of this is about the beauty of the chateau and the whole experience — the flowers, the food…the kitchen. You see a lot more of the aesthetic."

As a viewer, seeing the guests is a huge part of the appeal here — living vicariously through them is enjoyable for anyone who wishes they could afford to stay in a gorgeous French chateau.

Plus, some of the guests' backstories are genuinely poignant, like Harlan, a transwoman, who planned a rebirth-themed trip in episode three to celebrate her transition, which makes the viewers even more invested in seeing their stays go smoothly. (Alas, I never really cared if SUR patrons were annoyed by Stassi and her sometimes-BFF, sometimes-nemesis Kristen Doute yelling at each other in the restaurant's back alley.)

"That's what makes this different from 'Vanderpump Rules,'" Marciano says. "It's not like we're just talking in the back of SUR — no, we're getting a job done and that's the goal. And you see that in this show a lot."

"We're bonded for life from this experience," Emily adds.

The first three episodes of "Vanderpump Villa" are now streaming on Hulu , with new episodes released weekly.

shapes worksheet in french

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  1. Shapes in French

    The shapes in French are: un cercle (circle), un triangle (triangle), un carré (square), un rectangle (rectangle), un octagone (octagon) and un ovale (oval). The following list covers French words for shapes in detail. arrow une flèche. circle un cercle. …center le centre. …circumference la circonférence. …diameter le diamètre ...

  2. The essential guide to common shapes in French

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  3. Learning common shapes in French

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  6. Shapes in French

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  23. Shapes in French

    Here is a list of the vocabulary of shapes in French: un triangle - a triangle. un carré - a square. un rectangle - a rectangle. un losange - a diamond. un cerf-volant - a kite. un pentagone - a pentagon. un hexagone - a hexagon. Côtés - sides.

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