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Strategy Consultant Job Description: Career Guide for 2024

strategic planning consultant job description

A strategy consultant is a professional who helps organizations develop and implement effective business strategies. Their expertise lies in analyzing market trends, identifying business opportunities, and designing solutions that drive growth, profitability, and competitiveness. Strategy consultants work closely with company executives and senior management to understand their business objectives, challenges, and target markets. They then provide recommendations on how to maximize market share, increase revenue, and reduce costs.

Overview of Strategy Consulting Industry

The strategy consulting industry has grown rapidly in recent years, driven largely by factors such as globalization, digitization, and the need for businesses to remain competitive in an ever-changing landscape. According to a report by Statista, the global management consulting market was valued at approximately $275 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $343 billion by 2025.

Strategy consulting firms provide services to a wide range of clients, including multinational corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. They offer expertise in areas such as business strategy, financial strategy, technology strategy, organizational strategy, and human resources strategy.

The strategy consulting industry is highly competitive, with firms competing for top talent and new clients. Some of the largest firms in the industry include McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company, and Boston Consulting Group. However, there are also many smaller boutique firms that specialize in specific industries or niche areas of strategy consulting.

A career in strategy consulting offers many opportunities for professional growth and development. It is a challenging and rewarding field that requires a strong analytical mind, excellent communication skills, and a passion for helping businesses succeed. In the following sections of this article, we will explore the job description and key skills required for success as a strategy consultant.

Skills and Qualifications Required

As a strategy consultant, certain skills and qualifications are required for success in this career.

strategic planning consultant job description

Educational Requirements

A bachelor’s degree in business, economics, finance, or a related field is the minimum educational requirement for becoming a strategy consultant. However, many firms prefer candidates with a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) or other advanced degrees.

Professional Certifications

Obtaining a professional certification can also boost a strategy consultant’s credentials and provide a competitive edge in the job market. Some of the most recognized certifications include the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) designation, Six Sigma certification, and Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.

Essential Skills and Knowledge

Strategy consultants must possess a deep understanding of business strategy and possess knowledge in areas such as financial modeling, market research, and data analysis. They must also have a strong grasp on technology and how it is transforming the business world. Furthermore, excellent communication, presentation, and problem-solving skills are necessary for success as a strategy consultant.

Soft Skills Required

In addition to the necessary educational and professional credentials, possessing certain soft skills can also be critical for success. Strategy consultants must be able to work collaboratively with clients and team members, lead discussions and brainstorming sessions, and manage multiple projects simultaneously. They must also possess strong critical thinking skills and be able to make data-driven decisions quickly and effectively. Flexibility and adaptability are also important attributes, as strategy consultants must be able to quickly adjust to changing market conditions and client needs.

Becoming a strategy consultant requires a combination of education, professional certification, essential skills and knowledge acquisition, and the development of soft skills. Individuals who possess these qualifications can expect to have rewarding and challenging careers in helping organizations achieve their strategic goals. As a Strategy Consultant, you will play a critical role in helping businesses achieve their goals. Your key responsibilities will involve understanding your clients’ businesses and frustrations, identifying areas for process improvement, designing strategies to achieve desired objectives, preparing presentations and reports, measuring the impact of the implemented strategy, and recommending and implementing appropriate solutions.

The first step in being an effective strategy consultant is to gain a deep understanding of your client’s business. By taking the time to listen to your clients, you’ll be able to identify the issues and pain points that are preventing them from reaching their goals. This requires you to be an effective communicator, problem solver, and active listener.

Once you’ve identified the issues at hand, your next responsibility will be to pinpoint areas for improvement. This requires you to be analytical, logical, and detail-oriented. You must be able to analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns and trends and use this information to create effective strategies for your clients.

Designing effective strategies is a core responsibility of a Strategy Consultant. You must be able to use your knowledge and expertise to create customized solutions that meet your clients’ needs. This requires you to be innovative, creative, and outside-the-box thinker who can design solutions that are tailored to the unique challenges of each client.

Preparing presentations and reports is another critical responsibility of a Strategy Consultant. You must be able to effectively communicate your findings, strategies, and recommendations to your clients in a clear and concise manner. This requires you to be an excellent communicator, both verbally and in writing.

Measuring the impact of the strategy is essential to demonstrate the effectiveness of the implemented strategy. You must be able to analyze the results, draw meaningful conclusions, and present the findings in a clear, comprehensive report. This requires you to be analytical and data-driven, with a keen ability to interpret results.

Finally, as a Strategy Consultant, you must be able to recommend and implement appropriate solutions. This means communicating the proposed solution to your client and gaining buy-in, while also having the necessary skills and expertise to execute the solution efficiently and effectively.

To excel in this role, you must be analytical, logical, detail-oriented, creative, innovative, and an excellent communicator both verbally and in writing. You must have strong negotiation skills, be able to work collaboratively with others, and be willing to take risks to drive results. If you’re passionate about helping businesses reach their potential, then a career in strategy consulting may be the right fit for you.

strategic planning consultant job description

Types of Strategy Consulting

When it comes to strategy consulting, there are a number of different types of strategies that a consultant may be called upon to advise on. Below, we’ll explore some of the most common types of strategy consulting.

Corporate Strategy

Corporate strategy is all about defining an organization’s overall mission and vision, and determining the best path forward to achieve those goals. This may involve analyzing market trends, identifying potential acquisition targets, and developing plans to improve the company’s financial performance over the long term. Corporate strategy consultants are often called upon to help companies navigate major changes, such as mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, and new market entries.

Operational Strategy

Operational strategy is focused on improving the day-to-day operations of an organization. This may involve analyzing internal workflows, identifying inefficiencies, and developing plans to streamline processes and reduce costs. Operational strategy consultants may work closely with various departments within an organization, such as production, logistics, and customer service, to help identify areas for improvement.

Financial Strategy

Financial strategy is all about managing an organization’s financial resources in order to achieve its goals. This may involve analyzing revenue streams, identifying areas for cost savings, and developing plans to improve the company’s overall financial performance. Financial strategy consultants may also be called upon to help companies raise capital, evaluate potential investments, and manage risk.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is focused on helping organizations reach their target audiences and achieve their marketing goals. This may involve developing marketing campaigns, conducting market research, and analyzing customer behavior. Marketing strategy consultants may work closely with various departments within an organization, such as advertising, branding, and public relations, to help develop effective marketing strategies.

Human Resource Strategy

Human resource strategy is all about managing an organization’s most valuable asset – its people. This may involve developing training programs, hiring and firing employees, and developing plans to improve employee engagement and retention. Human resource strategy consultants may work closely with various departments within an organization, such as training and development, talent acquisition, and benefits administration, to help ensure that the organization’s workforce is aligned with its overall goals.

Strategy consulting can be a rewarding and challenging career path for those who enjoy problem-solving and working closely with clients to help them achieve their goals. Whether you specialize in corporate strategy, operational strategy, financial strategy, marketing strategy, or human resource strategy, there are many opportunities and challenges to be found in the world of strategy consulting.

Corporate Strategy Consulting

Corporate strategy consulting is a type of management consulting that helps businesses determine the best course of action to achieve their goals. This type of consulting is focused on developing and implementing strategies that enable businesses to attain long-term success.

Corporate strategy consulting refers to the process of analyzing and assessing a company’s goals, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and coming up with a plan of action to improve overall business performance. This consulting solution helps clients make informed decisions about key business areas such as mergers and acquisitions, market entry, diversification, and growth.


A corporate strategy consultant is responsible for understanding the complex business environment and giving expert advice and solutions to their clients. These responsibilities may include:

  • Conducting market research and analysis
  • Evaluating business performance metrics and identifying areas for improvement
  • Developing strategies to capitalize on opportunities and address weaknesses
  • Recommending potential mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships
  • Assisting with organizational restructuring and change management
  • Presenting findings and proposals to executive teams and stakeholders

A corporate strategy consultant faces various challenges, which can make the job quite demanding. Some of these challenges are:

  • Working with clients who have different goals and visions
  • Analyzing and interpreting large amounts of data
  • Balancing competing priorities in multiple projects
  • Trying to keep up with the rapidly evolving business landscape
  • Ensuring that clients are receptive to the recommended strategies

Here are some examples of corporate strategy consulting areas that a consultant can focus on:

  • Diversification: Developing a strategy that helps a company expand its business portfolio through new products or services.
  • Market Entry: Developing strategies to help a company penetrate new markets or expand into new geographic areas.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Helping companies identify potential targets and developing strategies to conduct mergers and acquisitions.
  • Restructuring: Developing strategies to help a company streamline its operations, reduce costs, or reorganize its business structure.

Being a corporate strategy consultant is a challenging but rewarding career, as the consultant plays a key role in helping companies create a vision, implement plans and achieve long-term success.

Operational Strategy Consulting

Operational strategy consulting involves working with organizations to optimize their operations and processes to increase efficiency and productivity while reducing costs. This type of consulting covers all aspects of a company’s operations, from supply chain management to customer service, production, and logistics.

Operational strategy consulting is the process of helping companies to streamline their operations to increase efficiency and reduce costs. This type of consulting focuses on optimizing processes to improve production, supply chain, and logistics management, among other areas. The goal is to help companies operate more effectively, achieve their objectives, and gain a competitive advantage.

As an operational strategy consultant, your main responsibility is to help clients identify areas that need improvement and develop strategies to address them. This involves analyzing the client’s operations, identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and developing solutions to streamline processes and optimize operations.

Other responsibilities include working with client teams to implement new strategies, identifying and addressing resource gaps, and providing ongoing support and guidance as needed. You may also need to conduct research and collect data to support your recommendations and create reports and presentations to communicate your findings to clients.

Operational strategy consulting can be challenging, as it involves working with clients who may be resistant to change. You may encounter difficulties in getting clients to adopt new strategies, particularly if these strategies involve major organizational changes. Additionally, you may face challenges in identifying root causes of problems and developing effective solutions.

Another challenge you may encounter is managing client expectations. Clients may expect immediate results from their investments in operational strategy consulting, but the reality is that the process can take time to yield significant changes and benefits.

Operational strategy consulting is a broad field that touches on nearly every aspect of a company’s operations. Some examples include:

  • Supply chain optimization: Developing strategies to streamline the flow of goods and materials throughout the supply chain, reducing bottlenecks and minimizing costs.
  • Logistics management: Developing strategies to optimize transportation and delivery processes, reducing costs and improving timeliness and reliability of shipments.
  • Production and inventory management: Developing strategies to optimize production processes and inventory management, reducing waste and improving efficiency.
  • Customer service optimization: Developing strategies to improve customer service processes, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

In all of these examples, the focus is on optimizing processes and improving efficiencies to create a more effective and competitive organization.

Financial Strategy Consulting

Financial strategy consulting involves providing advice and guidance to businesses on financial matters. This may include developing financial plans and strategies, analyzing financial data, identifying areas for cost savings, and recommending financial investments.

The main responsibilities of a financial strategy consultant are to:

  • Analyze financial data to assess a company’s financial health and identify areas for improvement
  • Develop financial plans and strategies for businesses to achieve their financial objectives, such as increasing profitability or reducing costs
  • Recommend financial investments that align with a business’s goals and risk tolerance
  • Provide guidance on financial regulations and compliance issues
  • Monitor and evaluate financial performance to ensure that the company is meeting its financial goals and objectives
  • Forecast financial results and develop scenario models to help businesses prepare for potential challenges and opportunities.

As a financial strategy consultant, you may encounter several challenges, including:

  • Uncertainty: Financial markets and regulations are constantly changing, which can create uncertainty and unpredictability in the financial landscape.
  • Complex data analysis: Analyzing financial data can be complex, requiring knowledge of accounting principles, advanced statistical methods, and financial models.
  • Resistance to change: Implementing financial strategies may require changes in business processes or practices, which can be met with resistance from stakeholders.
  • Competing priorities: Balancing financial objectives with other business priorities, such as customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction, can be challenging.

Financial strategy consultants work with a variety of organizations, including banks, investment firms, corporations, and nonprofit organizations. Here are some examples of how financial strategy consulting can benefit businesses:

  • A manufacturing company may hire a financial strategy consultant to help identify areas for cost savings and recommend strategies for improving profitability.
  • A nonprofit organization may seek the advice of a financial strategy consultant to help them develop a financial plan that aligns with their mission and values.
  • A new startup may hire a financial strategy consultant to help them develop a business plan and secure funding from investors.
  • An established corporation may seek the advice of a financial strategy consultant to help them navigate complex financial regulations and compliance issues.

Financial strategy consulting is a dynamic and challenging career path that requires a deep understanding of financial markets, regulations, and investment strategies. If you have a passion for finance and a talent for strategic thinking, this may be the career for you.

Marketing Strategy Consulting

Marketing strategy consulting is a specialized service that helps businesses develop and implement effective marketing plans by analyzing market trends, consumer behavior, and competition. The main goal of marketing strategy consulting is to improve a company’s bottom line by increasing sales and revenue while building a strong brand reputation.

Marketing strategy consulting involves working with clients to identify their goals, understand their market position, and assess their competitive landscape. This requires a deep knowledge of marketing theory and practice, as well as expertise in specific industries or markets. Marketing strategy consultants should be able to provide a range of services, including market research, customer segmentation, brand positioning, product development, and digital marketing.

Marketing strategy consultants are responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive marketing plans that effectively reach a company’s target audience. This involves collaborating with different departments within a company, such as product development, sales, and operations, as well as external stakeholders like marketing agencies or vendors. Additional responsibilities may include:

  • Conducting market research to identify potential customers, new product opportunities, and emerging trends.
  • Developing marketing campaigns that effectively communicate a company’s value proposition.
  • Analyzing customer behavior and preferences to develop targeted marketing messaging and tactics.
  • Coordinating with internal teams to ensure that marketing efforts align with overall business objectives.
  • Providing guidance and training to marketing staff or other team members on marketing strategy and best practices.

Marketing strategy consulting can be a challenging field, as it requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior, market trends, and competition. Consultants must be able to adjust their strategies quickly to keep pace with changes in the market and in the company’s objectives. They must also be able to communicate their findings and recommendations effectively to stakeholders with differing levels of knowledge and expertise. Other challenges may include:

  • Balancing short-term and long-term marketing goals
  • Managing tight budgets and limited resources
  • Developing creative and innovative marketing strategies that stand out in a crowded market
  • Dealing with unexpected market shifts or disruptions

Marketing strategy consulting is used across a range of industries, from technology to healthcare to retail. Some examples of marketing strategy consulting services include:

  • Developing a marketing plan for a new pharmaceutical product to target physicians and consumers.
  • Conducting market research and customer segmentation for a new health insurance product.
  • Developing a social media marketing strategy for a fashion brand targeting millennial consumers.
  • Analyzing customer feedback and developing a customer retention program for a hospitality company.
  • Creating a digital marketing campaign for a tech start-up targeting business-to-business customers.

Marketing strategy consulting plays an important role in helping businesses develop effective marketing plans that drive growth and revenue. By providing expert guidance and support, marketing strategy consultants can help companies navigate the complex and ever-changing marketing landscape to reach their goals.

Human Resource Strategy Consulting

Human resource strategy consulting involves developing and implementing effective HR strategies that align with the overall business strategy of an organization.

Human resource strategy consulting refers to the process of diagnosing, analyzing, and recommending improvements to an organization’s HR strategy. It involves identifying the gaps between the current HR practices and the organization’s long-term goals and proposing change management strategies to enable the organization to achieve these goals.

The responsibilities of a human resource strategy consultant include:

  • Conducting HR audits to identify areas of potential improvement
  • Identifying gaps between the organization’s HR strategy and business objectives
  • Designing and implementing HR strategies that align with the organization’s goals
  • Developing training and development programs to build HR capabilities
  • Providing guidance and support to the leadership team in creating a culture of high-performance
  • Establishing HR metrics to measure the impact of HR initiatives on business outcomes

Human resource strategy consulting comes with its own set of challenges. The role requires a deep understanding of the talent landscape and the ability to navigate complex organizational structures. Some of the key challenges faced by human resource strategy consultants include:

  • Balancing short-term objectives with long-term goals
  • Overcoming resistance to change from the leadership team
  • Aligning the HR strategy with the overall business strategy
  • Managing conflicts arising from HR issues
  • Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks

Human resource strategy consulting is a critical function within any organization. Here are a few examples of organizations that have benefited from the expertise of human resource strategy consultants:

  • A global technology company engaged a human resource strategy consultant to develop a comprehensive talent management program. The program included initiatives to improve employee engagement, leadership development, and strategic workforce planning.
  • A healthcare organization hired a human resource strategy consultant to redesign its compensation and benefits program. The consultant recommended changes to the salary structure and benefits package to better align with the organization’s overall business strategy.
  • A manufacturing company contracted a human resource strategy consultant to develop a performance management system. The system included a clear set of metrics to measure employee performance, feedback mechanisms, and training and development programs.

Human resource strategy consulting is a critical function within any organization. It requires a deep understanding of the talent landscape and the ability to navigate complex organizational structures to help organizations achieve their business objectives.

Career Progression in Strategy Consulting

As a strategy consultant, there are various career progression paths that you can take. Here are the different levels of the consulting career ladder:

Entry-level positions

Entry-level positions are typically for recent graduates with little to no work experience. These positions are designed to provide training and mentorship for new consultants. As an entry-level consultant, you will be responsible for conducting research, analyzing data, and supporting senior consultants on client projects.

Some common entry-level positions in strategy consulting include:

  • Associate consultant
  • Business analyst

Mid-level Positions

After gaining a few years of consulting experience, you can move into mid-level positions. These positions require more responsibility, and you will also be expected to lead project teams. As a mid-level consultant, you will be responsible for client communication and managing junior staff.

Some common mid-level positions in strategy consulting include:

  • Senior consultant
  • Engagement manager
  • Project manager

Senior Leadership Positions

The ultimate goal for many strategy consultants is to reach senior leadership positions. These positions require significant experience in the industry and a proven track record of success. As a senior leader, you will be responsible for driving business growth, managing client relationships, and overseeing firm operations.

Some common senior leadership positions in strategy consulting include:

  • Managing director

Entrepreneurship Development

For those who want to create something unique and build their own consulting firm, entrepreneurship is also an option. Starting a consulting firm requires a combination of industry experience, business acumen, and entrepreneurial savvy. As an entrepreneur in the consulting industry, you can create your own unique value proposition and tailor your services to your target market’s needs.

Entrepreneurial development in strategy consulting includes setting up your firm, building a team, marketing, and winning clients. Entrepreneurs need to identify a market niche, develop a unique selling proposition, and establish a competitive pricing strategy.

There are different career progression paths in strategy consulting, from entry-level positions to senior leadership. You can also explore entrepreneurship development by starting your own consulting firm. With the right mix of experience, expertise, and ambition, you can build a successful career as a strategy consultant.

Industry Outlook

As a strategy consultant, it’s crucial to stay on top of industry trends, opportunities, and challenges. Here are some of the notable developments in the field as we look towards the future:

Current Trends

One of the most significant trends in the consulting industry is the increasing demand for specialization. As businesses become more complex, strategy consultants must have a deep understanding of specific industries and niches. This trend is driving consultants to focus on building their expertise in areas such as healthcare, technology, and sustainability.

Another trend is the rise of digital transformation. Companies are investing in technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation to streamline operations and improve customer experiences. Strategy consultants must stay up-to-date with the latest digital tools and strategies to help their clients succeed in this rapidly evolving landscape.

Finally, there’s a growing emphasis on collaboration and co-creation. Strategy consultants aren’t just providing advice; they’re working alongside their clients to develop and implement solutions. This requires strong communication skills and the ability to build strong relationships with stakeholders at every level.

Opportunities and Challenges

Opportunities abound for strategy consultants who can adapt to these evolving trends. Niche expertise, digital fluency, and collaborative skills are in high demand. Additionally, many companies are recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and seeking out consultants with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

However, there are also significant challenges. The consulting industry is becoming increasingly competitive, with new players entering the market all the time. Consultants must be able to differentiate themselves by developing a unique brand and offering exceptional value to their clients.

Consultants must also be prepared to navigate ethical issues. As consultants, we have a responsibility to act in the best interests of our clients and maintain our professional integrity. This sometimes requires making tough decisions and standing up for what’s right, even when it’s not the easiest choice.

Future Outlook

Looking towards the future, the consulting industry is only going to become more complex and competitive. Staying on top of trends and technological developments will be essential for success. Strategy consultants who can demonstrate their value by providing targeted expertise, creative solutions, and strong collaboration skills will continue to be in high demand.

As the world becomes more interconnected, the consulting industry will also be called upon to address global issues such as climate change and social inequality. Consultants who can apply their skills to these complex challenges will be particularly well-positioned to succeed.

Ultimately, the future of the consulting industry will depend on our ability to adapt and innovate in response to changing needs and trends. As strategy consultants, we have the opportunity to help build a better future for businesses and society as a whole.

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Strategy Consultant Job Description


At Ascent Professional Services we connect businesses with the best Strategy Consultants. If you want to progress your career as a strategy consultant, you can learn more about what a strategy consultant does, the qualifications and skills required to be one and how they have a positive impact on businesses they work for.

What is a Strategy consultant?

Strategy Consultants work with businesses and organisations to support, develop and implement business strategies to improve business success. They are brought into an organisation to be an impartial and unbiased third party to offer their knowledge and experience to advise the most senior members of the business.

Strategy consultants should have a deep knowledge of the industries they work in. They need to uncover and identify challenges that a business is facing and make recommendations and give advice on facing these challenges and making improvements to the business. They work across a range of different sectors and industries, in both the public and private sector. 

Strategy Consultant Average Salary Expectations

The expected salary for a strategy consultant is between £40,000 and £58,000. However, this is entirely dependent on experience and the location of the candidate. Given that Strategy Consultants are a highly sought after role, there is the potential for salaries to be higher, depending on their experience. 

Strategy Consultant Job Overview

A Strategy Consultant is brought into an organisation as a person with expert knowledge of strategy. Their role is to review how a business can improve their practices and help implement goals to best optimise their business strategy. Strategy consultants deal with key decisions surrounding reducing costs and increasing revenue, therefore you would be working closely with members of senior management. 

Strategy Consultants are required to be experts in the advisory phase of creating new strategic action plans. They are also responsible for troubleshooting current problems. This means that projects often have fast moving timespans and you need to be able to work to tight deadlines.

A strategy consultant works to identify trends within specific markets and analyse a business’s competitors by gathering data. They must then be able to take their findings and turn them into implementable action plans to improve their clients business. 

The expected type of clients are strategic portfolio holders such as Chief Executive Officers, executives and/or senior managers. However, any business or organisation that wants to reduce costs and improve efficiency can utilise the skills and services of a Strategy Consultant, so there is opportunity for this role to be needed in many different sectors.

Responsibilities for Strategy Consultant 

A Strategy Consultant needs to:

  • Help companies define their vision, mission and strategy.
  • Deeply consider every angle of important decisions that impact the company. 
  • Have expertise in a particular industry or subject, such as market positioning or restructuring.
  • Support clients with market entry into a new market or with a shift towards a new business model.
  • Offer budgeting advice — Input on best practices to cut costs and drive revenue.
  • Occasionally fulfil a legal purpose such as in the case of mergers & acquisitions, strategy consultants typically support the strategic activities of the M&A process. 
  • Define commercial strategies in the sales and marketing domains along with draft pricing, customer channel and product market combination strategies.
  • For HR, strategy consultants need to be able to contribute to human capital strategies, including talent management business cases. 
  • For field of operations, strategy consultants need to be capable of drafting operating models and tying those with higher-level business objectives.
  • For digital strategy, a strategic consultant will need to have a competent understanding of IT and the best ways to implement IT to improve its strategic benefits and value.

Qualifications for Strategy Consultant 

To work as a strategy Consultant you will need a bachelor’s degree in business administration or a similar field, with a minimum of a 2.1 or equivalent. After 4-6 years of employment, employers may sponsor you to complete a MBA, if you are wanting to work in a more client-facing role. 

To excel in this role, it will also be expected that you have pursued internships in relevant industries to strengthen your analytical skills or have experience in other industry-facing areas. 

Examples of acquired skills before pursuing Strategy Consultancy:

  • Strategic planning and analysis
  • Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
  • Organisational change
  • Financial or IT systems and marketing
  • Exposure to any of the key consultancy markets, such as financial services, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), technology, telecoms or public sector

Experience and Skills for Strategy Consultant 

These skills are essential for an established Strategy Consultant looking for a new role:

  • Having a university degree and additional relevant qualifications
  • Experience as a strategy consultant or a similar role
  • The ability to collect and analyse data, assess problems and structure solutions
  • Strong people skills with the ability to build relationships and be persuasive when necessary. 
  • Strong time management and the ability to stick to tight deadlines. 
  • Self-awareness and ability to assess personal performance. 

To learn how to present your skills read our blog: ‘ How To Write A Strategy Consultant CV ’

Strategy Consultant Interview Questions

  • What value can you add to our organisation, in addition to your knowledge and expertise?
  • Describe your most challenging project.
  • Describe a time that you displayed leadership.
  • How would you improve performance in our business?
  • What skills do you think strategy consultants need to be successful?
  • What techniques do you use to analyse market behaviour?
  • How would you assist clients with the decision-making process?
  • What has been your most successful business improvement strategy?

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More Strategy Consultant Career Advice and Tips

Make sure to take a look at our wide range of informative blogs, such as  How to Write a Good CV,   Tips For Online Video Interviews For Management Consultants  and  Management Consulting CVs Examples and Advice  for great tips from leading industry experts. 

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Strategy Consultant Job Description

Strategy consultants help businesses remain competitive by analyzing business practices and devising strategies for improvement. They help define company markets, identify industry trends, and create strategies for improving performance and revenue.

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Strategy Consultant Job Description Template

We are looking to hire a talented strategy consultant to assist our clients in improving their business performance. In this role, you will be identifying key areas for improvement, conducting market research, and suggesting strategies to boost company performance.

To ensure success as a strategy consultant, you should have sound knowledge of financial analysis, and experience with workflow management. A top-level strategy consultant will identify and suggest strategies that reduce costs, boost performance, and ensure industry longevity.

Strategy Consultant Responsibilities:

  • Meeting with clients to discuss business goals and objectives.
  • Conducting market research and studying market trends.
  • Analyzing existing company processes and workflows.
  • Evaluating the practices and market behavior of industry competitors.
  • Creating and presenting analysis reports.
  • Devising strategies to increase revenue, cut costs, and promote growth.
  • Overseeing the implementation of updated business strategies.
  • Reviewing and analyzing the efficacy of revised business strategies.
  • Monitoring the long-term effects of business changes.

Strategy Consultant Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in business analytics, business management or similar.
  • 5+ years experience as a strategy consultant.
  • Detailed knowledge of industry trends and market behavior.
  • Excellent project management skills.
  • Deep understanding of management frameworks.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Sound knowledge of financial analysis.
  • Experience with project management.
  • Report writing skills.

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Strategic Consultant Job Description Template

The Strategic Consultant job description template is designed to help businesses and organizations find the right candidate to drive their growth and success. As a strategic consultant, the ideal candidate should have a keen understanding of the organization's goals and needs, and should be able to develop and implement effective strategies to support these objectives. This template provides a comprehensive overview of the key responsibilities and requirements of the role, allowing employers to find the ideal candidate who can contribute to their business's long-term success.

Overall Job Purpose:

The Strategic Consultant will be responsible for developing and implementing strategic plans to help businesses achieve their goals.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Conduct research, analysis and evaluation to develop strategies that support businesses
  • Provide expert guidance and advice to clients on strategic planning, positioning, and problem solving
  • Identify opportunities for growth or improvement and develop plans to achieve them
  • Collaborate with various stakeholders to ensure successful implementation of strategies
  • Monitor and evaluate the success of strategies and make adjustments as necessary


  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or a related field
  • Proven experience in strategic planning, consulting or a relevant field
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • A solid understanding of the competitive landscape and market trends

Skills and Abilities:

  • Ability to think strategically and creatively
  • Strong project management skills
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment with multiple stakeholders
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and other related software
  • Excellent interpersonal and leadership skills


Strategic consulting is an important aspect of any business that seeks to grow and achieve its goals. The job of a strategic consultant is to analyze the company's strengths and weaknesses, identify opportunities in the market, and develop strategies and plans to help the business achieve its objectives.

If you're looking to hire a strategic consultant for your company, you need to make sure that your job posting is well-crafted and attracts the right candidates. Here are some tips on how to create an effective strategic consultant job posting:

1. Start with a clear job title:

The job title is the first thing that candidates see, and it should be clear and concise. Use a title that accurately reflects the role and responsibilities of the position. Titles like "Strategic Consultant," "Strategy Manager," or "Business Development Manager" are all acceptable.

2. Write a compelling job summary:

The job summary should be a brief description of the role and its main objectives. This is where you'll hook potential candidates and get them interested in the job. Make sure to emphasize the unique aspects of the role and what makes it special.

3. List key responsibilities:

  • Conduct research and analyses to identify business opportunities, develop recommendations and make data-driven decisions that will help your clients achieve their goals.
  • Create strategic and tactical plans that will guide your clients to success.
  • Work with clients to implement plans, monitor progress and adjust strategies as needed.
  • Build relationships with clients and other stakeholders to help you achieve their goals.
  • Provide guidance, leadership and support to staff and teams.

4. List required skills and qualifications:

  • A bachelor's or master's degree in business, management, finance or a related field.
  • At least 5 years of experience in strategic consulting, business development or a related field.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

5. Emphasize company culture and values:

In addition to listing job responsibilities and skills, make sure to highlight your company's culture and values. This will give potential candidates a sense of what it's like to work for your organization and will help them determine whether they would be a good fit.


Creating a strategic consultant job posting is crucial to ensuring that you attract the right candidates to your organization. By following these tips, you can create a job posting that accurately reflects the position, highlights your company's values and culture, and attracts top talent.

Frequently Asked Questions on Creating Strategic Consultant Job Posting

Posting a job online to hire a strategic consultant can be a nerve-wracking process. It is essential to write an effective job posting to target the right candidates. However, several questions arise while creating a strategic consultant job posting. In this article, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions on creating a strategic consultant job posting.

What is a strategic consultant?

A strategic consultant is a professional who offers clients expert advice on how to overcome specific business challenges, reach their goals, and optimize operations. As businesses face increasingly complex and rapidly changing market conditions, experienced strategic consultants are in high demand to help companies stay competitive and navigate complex markets.

What should be included in a strategic consultant job posting?

A strategic consultant job posting should include a job title, a job description, job qualifications, and any other essential job requirements. The job posting should also be concise, easy to understand, and accurately reflect the skills, experience, and responsibilities of the position.

What should the job description include?

The job description should include the consultant's responsibilities, such as analyzing data and providing recommendations to clients, conducting research, and developing strategic plans. Additionally, the job description should also include the qualifications required for the position, such as education, certifications, and experience. Other essential job requirements, such as work experience, travel obligations, and salary range, should also be included.

How can the job posting attract the right candidates?

The job posting should accurately represent the strategic consultant's responsibilities, qualifications, and required skills. Additionally, it should be specific and written in plain language, avoiding overly technical jargon. By making the job posting easy to read, attractive, and informative, job applicants who are interested in the position will be more likely to apply.

What makes an effective strategic consultant job posting?

An effective strategic consultant job posting includes a clear job title and description, along with the essential job requirements, skills needed, and specific responsibilities of the position. The job posting must be concise and easy to understand, without missing crucial details. Finally, the posting must reflect the company culture and values, aligning with the strategic consultant's function and the company's vision.

What should be avoided while writing a strategic consultant job posting?

A strategic consultant job posting must avoid generic language, lengthy descriptions, and irrelevant details. It must also avoid including qualifications for the job that are not essential, such as age or gender. Additionally, the posting should avoid emphasizing salary without discussing essential duties and qualifications required for the position.

How can I ensure the job posting gets noticed?

To ensure your strategic consultant job posting gets noticed, it's recommended to post the job deadline, keep the posting concise, and use descriptive language if possible. Additionally, sharing the job posting on social media channels can help attract more attention from potential candidates. Writing an attention-grabbing and informative job posting is the first and most crucial step towards hiring qualified and competent strategic consultants that fit the profile you need.

By following these guidelines, recruiters can create an effective job posting that gets noticed and attracts the right candidates for strategic consultant positions. Clear communication of job responsibilities, qualifications, and requirements is essential for successful recruitment.

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Strategy Job Descriptions

Strategic planning specialist job description, strategic planning specialist.

As a Strategic Planning Specialist at [Company Name], you will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our organization. Working as part of the [Team], you will report to the [Reporting To] and collaborate closely with various teams, including [Teams Collaboration]. Your strategic insights and expertise will be instrumental in driving the success and growth of our company.


  • Conduct thorough research and analysis to identify market trends, competitive landscape, and industry dynamics.
  • Develop and implement strategic plans and initiatives to enhance the company's long-term growth and profitability.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align business objectives and ensure effective execution of strategic projects and initiatives.
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress of strategic initiatives, identifying potential risks and providing proactive solutions.
  • Prepare and deliver presentations to senior leadership and stakeholders, communicating strategic recommendations and progress updates.
  • Stay updated on industry best practices and emerging trends to continuously enhance strategic planning processes and methodologies.


  • Bachelor's degree in a relevant field with a focus on certifications and continuous learning.
  • [X years of experience] years of experience in strategic planning or related roles.
  • Demonstrated expertise in conducting market research, competitive analysis, and strategic analysis.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to interpret complex data and make data-driven decisions.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills to effectively convey strategic recommendations to diverse audiences.
  • Proven ability to work cross-functionally and collaborate with teams at all levels of the organization.
  • Strong project management skills and the ability to prioritize and manage multiple initiatives simultaneously.

Success Metrics

  • Achievement of key strategic objectives and goals.
  • Effective implementation of strategic initiatives within the designated timelines and budgets.
  • Continuous improvement of strategic planning processes and methodologies.
  • Positive feedback from senior leadership and stakeholders on the quality and impact of strategic recommendations.

Your role as a Strategic Planning Specialist at [Company Name] will drive the company's growth, development, and achievement of strategic objectives. By leveraging your strategic expertise and collaborating with cross-functional teams, you will contribute to the success and long-term sustainability of our organization.

To apply, please contact Contact Name at Email.

strategic planning consultant job description

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Find your next strategic planning specialist.

Use our tailored job description to find the perfect fit for your organization's strategic planning needs. Our job description provides detailed responsibilities, requirements, success metrics, and more, all customizable to your specific requirements.

About the Strategic Planning Specialist

A Strategic Planning Specialist plays a crucial role in the organization's strategic planning process. They are responsible for analyzing market trends, identifying growth opportunities, and developing strategic initiatives to help the organization achieve its goals. They collaborate with cross-functional teams to align business objectives and ensure effective strategy execution.

FAQs about the Strategic Planning Specialist

What is the role of the strategic planning specialist about.

The role of the Strategic Planning Specialist is to develop and implement strategies that drive the organization's growth and success. Our tailored job description provides a detailed overview of the responsibilities, such as conducting market research, analyzing data, identifying strategic opportunities, and creating actionable plans to achieve strategic objectives.

Why do you need a Strategic Planning Specialist?

A Strategic Planning Specialist is essential for effective strategy execution. They bring expertise in strategic analysis, market research, and planning, which are crucial for identifying opportunities and aligning business objectives. By being a supporting strategy execution role, having a dedicated specialist ensures that strategies are well-defined, actionable, and lead to desired outcomes.

What would be an average salary for the Strategic Planning Specialist?

The average salary for a Strategic Planning Specialist in the US ranges from $80,000 to $120,000 per year, depending on factors such as experience, location, and the size of the organization. Salary ranges are based on industry insights and data from reputable sources like Glassdoor.

Ready to find your next Strategic Planning Specialist? Create your tailored job description.

Articles to get your started with strategic planning specialist, the best strategy template for strategic planning specialists, your toolkit for strategy success.

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Strategy Consultant IV, Strategic Planning & Analysis

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  • Promotes learning in others by proactively providing and/or developing information, resources, advice, and expertise with coworkers and members; builds relationships with cross-functional/external stakeholders and customers. Listens to, seeks, and addresses performance feedback; proactively provides actionable feedback to others and to managers. Pursues self-development; creates and executes plans to capitalize on strengths and develop weaknesses; leads by influencing others through technical explanations and examples and provides options and recommendations. Adopts new responsibilities; adapts to and learns from change, challenges, and feedback; demonstrates flexibility in approaches to work; champions change and helps others adapt to new tasks and processes. Facilitates team collaboration to support a business outcome.
  • Completes work assignments autonomously and supports business-specific projects by applying expertise in subject area and business knowledge to generate creative solutions; encourages team members to adapt to and follow all procedures and policies. Collaborates cross-functionally and/or externally to achieve effective business decisions; provides recommendations and solves complex problems; escalates high-priority issues or risks, as appropriate; monitors progress and results. Supports the development of work plans to meet business priorities and deadlines; identifies resources to accomplish priorities and deadlines. Identifies, speaks up, and capitalizes on improvement opportunities across teams; uses influence to guide others and engages stakeholders to achieve appropriate solutions.
  • Analyzes and interprets market data by: developing and implementing a plan to address moderately complex research questions and test hypotheses with advanced knowledge of data collection and analysis; performing moderately complex quantitative and qualitative analyses and investigating alternative hypotheses; and ensuring interpretation of key findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the future.
  • Facilitates process improvement efforts by: ensuring the implementation of updated processes and beginning to identify opportunities to adapt processes to improve return on investment (ROI), operations, service quality, and results for initiatives across teams; utilizing moderately advanced knowledge of business operations to ensure the implementation of best practices across teams; and encouraging adoption of best practices and future innovations.
  • Effectively manages projects and programs by: assembling project moderately complex proposals, including establishing objectives, key stakeholders, milestones, projecting required resources and timelines; ensuring progress on project deliverables in alignment with greater business strategy across a function; utilizing existing methodologies to complete initiatives with little support; and ensuring the execution of project plan, contributing to high-quality outcomes.
  • Proactively maintains open streams of communication by: building and developing trusting relationships with stakeholders by navigating the organizational landscape; identifying moderately complex issues or risks to strategic program implementation and ensuring that they are resolved or escalated; fostering collaborative partnerships with inter/intraorganizational and external partners to develop and refine key priorities and strategy; and proactively communicating strategic issues and recommendations to senior leadership and across their function.
  • Contributes to the development and execution of business strategy by: developing moderately complex strategic proposals based on business case and advanced knowledge of health care marketplace; assessing the scope of the problem to be addressed and the resources needed; identifying strategic options based on problem scoping; recommending challenging business goals and the processes and resources needed to accomplish them; ensuring alignment around the strategic plan and intended outcomes, and finding opportunities for collaboration and synergy within a function; ensuring application of strategies to mitigate moderately complex barriers, constraints, and risks to execution; and assessing and adjusting strategic direction in response to a changing environment.
  • Minimum two (2) years of experience in project management, forecasting, planning, consulting, strategy development and/or execution, or a directly related field.
  • Bachelors degree in Business, Health Care Administration, Public Health Economics, Finance, or related field AND minimum four (4) years of experience in strategic planning, strategy facilitation, execution of large-scope strategic projects or directly related field OR minimum seven (7) years of experience in strategic planning, strategy facilitation, execution of large-scope strategic projects or a directly related field.
  • Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs): Business Acumen; Applied Data Analysis; Financial Market Research; Business Relationship Management; Project Management; Risk Assessment; Time Management
  • One (1) year of Health Care experience.
  • Master's Degree in Business, Health Care Administration, Public Health, Economics, Finance, or related field.

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Director, Strategic Planning Job Description

Director, strategic planning duties & responsibilities.

To write an effective director, strategic planning job description, begin by listing detailed duties, responsibilities and expectations. We have included director, strategic planning job description templates that you can modify and use.

Sample responsibilities for this position include:

Director, Strategic Planning Qualifications

Qualifications for a job description may include education, certification, and experience.

Licensing or Certifications for Director, Strategic Planning

List any licenses or certifications required by the position: PMP, APICS, CPIM, PMI, SWPP, BPMN, III, DAWIA, MBA

Education for Director, Strategic Planning

Typically a job would require a certain level of education.

Employers hiring for the director, strategic planning job most commonly would prefer for their future employee to have a relevant degree such as Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Business, MBA, Education, Marketing, Finance, Engineering, Economics, Management, Business/Administration, Science

Skills for Director, Strategic Planning

Desired skills for director, strategic planning include:

Desired experience for director, strategic planning includes:

Director, Strategic Planning Examples

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG
  • Coordinate and implement Technical Operations Integrated Risk Management processes and Business Continuity plans in cooperation with sites and functions
  • Employs Operational Excellence (LEAN, DMAIC, ) concepts and supports the use of common tools, methods, and business practices to solve problems and improve effectiveness, productivity and cross-functional collaboration to deliver tangible business results
  • Works with Kite Technical Operations and other leaders to develop and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and program health indicators including financial and nonfinancial metrics to measure program/project success
  • Authors and presents creative briefs to share strategic thinking and focus
  • Provides leadership and guidance in the area of competitive analysis for the business segment
  • Lead the team through weekly meetings and monthly, quarterly and yearly business reviews and forward looking planning
  • Understanding what people do, and how and why they do it
  • Directing the development of campaigns and platforms
  • Generating hypotheses, prototyping and testing concepts, and vigorously defending the clarity of great ideas
  • Guiding consumer research initiatives
  • Five years plus of commercial related experience including sales management/ leadership experience
  • Excellent business/commercial acumen needed
  • Experienced in establishing and cultivating relationships
  • Ability to work effectively as an individual contributor and in a team structure
  • Minimum of 10+ years sales/marketing management experience is required
  • Minimum of 10+ years experience in the Home Appliance Industry is required
  • Catalyze action by leading project work streams that turn strategic priorities and initiatives into executable plans
  • Develop and maintain relationships with marketing, strategy and operations groups
  • Directs and manages the Strategic Planning and Monitoring Unit as part of the Strategic Coordination Team (SCT) in the EOSG
  • Works closely with the relevant line departments and the Senior Advisor on Policy where appropriate and supports the Secretary-General with priority-setting, forward planning, strategic analysis and enterprise risk management
  • In close coordination with relevant units within the EOSG, support analysis and planning for UN conflict response efforts, with a particular focus on new and transitioning peace operations, by preparing strategic considerations and options on the basis of information and advice from the system
  • Translates the Secretary-General’s guidance into strategic directives that set out overall parameters for potential UN engagement
  • Coordinates the drafting of the Secretary-General’s Annual Report on the Work of the Organization the production of key strategic reports that cut across sectors and units
  • Ensures strategic coordination and coherence with the Political, Development and Rule of Law units for purposes of providing fully integrated information and analysis to support senior decision-making
  • Prepares planning papers and monitor the work of the United Nations on key issues as requested supports senior management in setting strategic priorities and direction for budget formulation and allocation of resources so as to ensure effective, efficient and strategic use of resources
  • Supports the Secretary-General in designing and organizing senior management retreats and similar strategic planning meetings of the senior leadership
  • Strong leadership skills with the ability to manage and motivate teammates and subordinates
  • Knowledge and experience with Sales HQ functions, infrastructure and sales processes is required
  • Experience in of Gilead’s areas of focus (HIV/AIDS, hepatic diseases, cardiovascular, respiratory) is desirable
  • Direct experience in pharmaceutical/biotechnology
  • Preferred experience with a consulting firm providing portfolio strategy consultation and decision-support for pharmaceutical/biotechnology clients
  • Demonstrated success in a cross-functional environment
  • Ensure appropriate business analyses and rigor are applied to key decisions at Local and Regional levels
  • Provide expert advice to senior leadership and staff on significant, complex initiatives with strategic importance to the Region and/or the Program
  • Manage and lead quantitative and qualitative research efforts that helps inform strategic prioritization and go vs
  • Manages requirements and scope of the program schedules, projects, and resources
  • Develops investment, funding, and budgeting strategies aligned with programs and projects
  • Proactively identify opportunities for program investments based on patterns in business demand
  • Develop a set of business capabilities to align enterprise priorities with the investment portfolio
  • Elevate funding and resourcing decisions from the project to the program level, service management delivery level, and maintenance level
  • Identify management staff’s key strategic, financial, and operational responsibilities
  • Develops and prepares business models, pro forma financial statements, and agreement scenarios to support financial, program, and project decision-making
  • Advanced Degree in the Sciences (Ph.D
  • At least 10 years related experience including, at least 7 years in a utility, energy, or equivalent business leadership/strategy position
  • Experience in electric, gas or other public utility distribution preferred
  • Bachelor’s degree with MBA preferred or equivalent combination of education and experience in business or related field
  • Comprehensive understanding of PC competitive environment & assigned categories (PC’s )
  • Fluent writer, speaker
  • Develop short-term and long-term operational plans for new acquisitions (working with stakeholders in Supply Chain, Finance, Commercial, Process Development and Regulatory affairs)
  • Provides leadership and direction for overall organizational structure, operating plan, and performance standards to achieve goals and objectives
  • Directs efforts to coordinate outreach activity with related institutions
  • Works cooperatively with University management personnel and directs efforts as appropriate relevant to all strategic initiatives
  • Manages performance of program management staff
  • Analyzes relevant data and recommends strategies for improvement as appropriate
  • Develops long and short-range goals to strategically align the University Technology Office with overall goals of the University and implements, evaluates, and adjusts objectives and activities based on established goals
  • Analyzes current processes and manages implementation of redesign for operational processes
  • Institutes a continuous improvement process for operational effectiveness within the University Technology Business Office
  • Ensures staff are able to create collaborative processes across all technology service divisions
  • 15+ years' of relevant experience working within the financial services, payment processing, retail and/or banking industries
  • Must have extensive knowledge of Home Appliance products
  • Can facilitate effective brainstorming and problem solving and anticipate hidden problems and probe for answers
  • Possible representation as a delegate at key management committees and/or meetings
  • Can be called upon to mentor junior level employees within the department and/or program team(s)
  • 5-7 years of marketing or research experience required in with 2+ years of experience in planning
  • SPG has an excellent track record in recruiting from diverse backgrounds – the current group members come from 15 nationalities – and is interested in hearing from anyone who meets the above requirements
  • Understanding of Social Media platforms and their respective participants (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Vine, ) and how each platform is used by consumer and marketers
  • Communicate effectively with a broad spectrum of internal constituencies
  • Conceptualize, evaluate, and implement communication and business strategies and priorities for the division
  • Lead and develop the division’s strategic planning efforts
  • Support key initiatives identified by the Vice President and Associate Vice Presidents
  • Oversee the deployment and development of business communications within the division
  • Develop, implement and manage communication performance measurements
  • Lead a team of staff in advancing the OSPR business, including training, coaching, and developing people
  • Drive Operations strategy that optimizes network costs, minimizes risk to supply and supports launch of pipeline molecules
  • 2+ years of experience in integrated marketing preferred
  • Ability to summarize and communicate complex concepts at the appropriate level for customer and executive audiences
  • Ability to travel as needed based on project needs
  • As a key contributor and a team player, you must have the ability to work with cross functional proposal teams and work independently to manage and lead the development of pricing strategies and strategy implementation from inception to completion
  • Ability to identify, assemble, and coordinate resources across the organization to ensure timely completion of price volume submissions
  • Deep understanding of pricing, pricing strategies, and the evolution of pricing strategies into business strategies that are competitive and compelling for the customer

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